Model: Angelina Loqui
Model: Angelina Loqui
© Hans van der Kamp
_Anouk_ photographed at the Sunlight Studios in Moscow
© Hans van der Kamp
This photograph was not selected to be part of the upcoming exhibit “The Russians Are Coming!” although the portrait was shot during the same two weeks in Moscow at the Sunlight Studio. I believe this portrait is special, and certainly not the kind of picture that easily fits in that particular series.
From December 8 – 11 we will participate in the Kriebels spectacle at Ahoy Rotterdam with a fully equipped photo studio. Visitors will be able to experience a real photo shoot. At this mobile photo studio there will also be an exhibit of photographs made in Moscow early November. This show entitled ‘The Russians Are Coming’ will be a premiere for The Netherlands. A larger series will be exhibited later in 2017.